Weird New Year

Well, here we are facing the new-year 2025 and, to be perfectly honest, I’m really not in the mood. 

I feel like Han Solo in Star Wars as the Death Star’s tractor beam pulls the Millennium Falcon into the clutches of the Intergalactic Deep State- I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

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I have to be honest- I’m really not a fan of social media. I think it should be more aptly called anti-social media. I wrote a recent post about why I just can’t squander all my time trying to promote myself or my books that way. 

Continue reading “UFOs, Trolls & Derp”

Last month, I wrote about Col. Karl Nell’s talk at the SALT conference in May about the stone-cold reality of non-human intelligence (NHI). (the clinical terminology for: We’re Not Alone in the Universe) According to Nell, there’s no ifs ands or buts. It is what it is and that’s what it is.

Continue reading “Beyond Zero Doubt”

This is an actual (NASA) image of the recent April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse that bisected the United States, that I have embellished with background stars, photoshopped in to match eyewitness descriptions from the field of totality- I couldn’t find an actual shot with stars, but you get the picture. (Pun intended. SSL)

The recent Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024, is The Sign Of The Times, but the mainstream media/establishment failed to see it for what it really is – yet again – which is not a surprise.

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RIP Big Bang Theory

I was excited when I saw the news that the James Webb Space Telescope had tossed another monkey wrench into the machinery of mainstream astronomy. I am not an astrophysicist, but when I saw the LiveScience report that the JWST just proved to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Adam Riess, “the real and exciting possibility that we have misunderstood the Universe,” I had a good idea what he was referring to- even if he couldn’t say the quiet part out loud. 

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NASA recently celebrated its latest Big Reveal, featuring the first-ever stunning images produced by its new James Webb Space Telescope. Mainstream astronomers and cosmologists? Not so much. It’s not that the pictures aren’t awe-inspiring. They are. It’s that they reveal the Big Bang to be just another Flat Earth theory.

Continue reading “UFOs, Covid-19, & the Big Bust Theory”