No one has done more to bring UFO reality into the light of day in modern times than independent reporter Leslie Kean. From her groundbreaking work on the COMETA report, published in the Boston Globe in 1997, to the 2017 New York Times paradigm-busting exposé on the Pentagon’s new investigation into real UFOs, Kean has been the catalyst for sober mainstream media UFO coverage. But… 

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UFOs are Real. The Government admitted that back in 2017, but with the caveat that the weird craft might be Chinese or Russian. Not so much these days. In early November, outgoing AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) Director Sean Kirkpatrick all but admitted that real UFOs are extraterrestrial. 

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Congress has been holding hearings and receiving classified briefings on UFOs, but so far, not much has come from it despite the testimony of intelligence officials like whistleblower David Grusch, who told congress that off-world craft that have crashed and been recovered by governmental entities have often been found to contain dead extraterrestrial pilots.

Continue reading “War of the Worlds”


According to a recent article published by The Hill entitled, ‘Non-human intelligence’: Shumer proposes stunning new UFO legislation, Congress will hold hearings today (it’s still tomorrow as I post this before midnight on the west coast).

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It’s been 22 years since Dr. Steven Greer held the first Disclosure Project press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on May 9th, 2001. Greer made his triumphant return to the historic news venue last Monday to hold Disclosure Project 2.0.

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Next week, Dr. Steven Greer heads back to Washington D.C. to hold Disclosure Project 2.0 at the National Press Club on June 12th. It will be fascinating to see how the mainstream media covers the event.

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