Weird New Year

Well, here we are facing the new-year 2025 and, to be perfectly honest, I’m really not in the mood. 

I feel like Han Solo in Star Wars as the Death Star’s tractor beam pulls the Millennium Falcon into the clutches of the Intergalactic Deep State- I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Over the years, I’ve learned the futility of trying to predict the future. No one has a crystal ball- except possibly someone in an Unacknowledged Secret Access Program (USAP) in the bowels of the military-industrial complex (Google: Project Looking Glass).

According to some Deep Sate whistleblowers, Looking Glass involves a high-powered electromagnetic device capable of seeing into the future or the past. It’s possible this is extraterrestrial technology that has been acquired in some way, or maybe something the great inventor Nikola Tesla discovered and wrote about in his diaries.

I don’t know whether Looking Glass is a real thing or not, but the prospect that the future is fixed, foreseeable, somehow knowable, poses a fundamental philosophical problem.

Does humankind (and for that matter, non-humankind) have free will or is everything we do in this life simply the result of physics playing out like a cosmic billiard game in which we have no real choice, no freedom of action- no free will? This is what philosophers and scientists call Determinism.

Is this all just a stage play to entertain God? (whatever that is)

Is free will just an illusion or is determinism the real illusion?

This is something I spoke about with Whitley Strieber on his Dreamland podcast. The implications of post-Singularity extraterrestrial UFOs are so profound that it makes this subject inaccessible to most people regardless of efforts to acclimatize the general population to its reality.

Is it simply too far over most people’s heads and will it always be?

I don’t know, but I’ll take a shot. Hell, it’s 2025, why not?

I think an interesting way to think about the problem of the free will/determinism enigma is to consider it in the context of a state of quantum superposition in which all possibilities co-exits until the quantum waveform collapses- whatever that truly means.

Okay, so what are the quantum waveforms that I see building on the horizon like a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico?

Well, we don’t want to get too deep into it, at this point, so I’ll just post some bullet points about the possibilities I see…

• Will 2025 be the year of the commercial real estate bust? The covid-19 pandemic threw a monkey wrench into the business world, knocking out a lot of Mom & Pops and initiating a work-from-home paradigm shift leaving a lot of empty office buildings and a big problem for Big Business. A lot of people expect this will be the year the chickens come home to roost.

  If commercial real estate does go bust this year, will the Ponzi scheme that is the systemically corrupt global financial system finally collapse beyond repair?  

* Will Trump’s tariffs ignite a trade war that further guts the global economy, exacerbating the onset of World War III that began in Ukraine a couple years back?

* Will AI displace hundreds of thousands of jobs this year, perhaps putting the final nail in the capitalist paradigm?

• Will this perfect storm of events signal the beginning of the collapse of global civilization? The world is literally littered with dead civilizations (see: Ancient Aliens). Is this the beginning of the end?

• Will the return of climate change denial (Trump) in 2025 trigger another extraterrestrial planet-wide reset (see: The Great Flood) like I wrote about in my previous post? 

* Is the news about the recent “drone” incursions, at military bases and in public, another sign that real UFO Disclosure is coming soon or is it a sign that the fake alien invasion warned about by Greer is in progress or is some weird competing combination of the two happening at the same time?

I don’t know.

AI is about to take the world by storm. Elon Musk, the new co-President elect, says things are about to get weird.

I think Musk is right about that.