In my previous post, I wrote about how the recent Pentagon (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) UFO report submitted to congress signaled the Return of the UFO cover-up. Since then, there’s been a very significant push back by a member of the UAP Task Force, Col. Karl Nell.

The UAP Task Force was the outfit that preceded AARO that was itself preceded by the original AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification program) founded by the late Senator Harry Reid that was actually called the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP). Got that?

If you’re confused – you’re supposed to be – the program is working as designed.

The whole thing reminds me of a little story about the intelligence game Col. Philip Corso told in The Day After Roswell:

THERE IS AN OLD STORY I ONCE HEARD ABOUT KEEPING SECRETS. A group of men were trying to protect their deepest secrets from the rest of the world. They took their secrets and hid them in a shack whose very location was secret. But the secret location was soon discovered and in it was discovered the secrets the group was hiding. But before every secret could be revealed, the men quickly built a second shack where they stored those secrets they still kept to themselves. Soon, the second shack was discovered and the group realized they would have to give up some secrets to protect the rest. So they again moved quickly to build a third shack and protect whatever secrets they could. This process repeated itself over and over until anyone wanting to find out what the secrets were had to start at the first shack and work their way from shack to shack until they came to where they could go no further because they didn’t know the location of the next shack.

So, in the context of Corso’s analogy about the shacks, you can’t help but wonder what secrets got sacrificed and what secrets got preserved when the government’s most recent secret UFO investigation (Bob Bigelow, Harry Reid’s AATIP, which was actually called AAWSAP) got outted by independent reporter Leslie Kean in the New York Times in 2017?

After AAWSAP was disbanded in the wake of its outting, the secret UFO investigation was reformed as The UAP Task Force. Whatever secrets were preserved in the UAP Task Force shack were once again compromised (most likely by whistleblower witnesses like David Grusch) and the Pentagon’s formerly secret UFO investigation was reorganized most-recently, and most publicly, as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Again- got all that?

If you conclude that the object is to obstruct via the shack analogy you’d likely be right. And where does that leave us? The outting of Harry Reid’s original Bob Bigelow AAWSAP program was that UFOs are real- and they’re not likely Chinese or Russian. That was the Big Takeaway from round one of the latest UFO/UAP saga. 

It’s interesting to note that after the second secret UFO investigation became public knowledge (the location of the second shack became known), the next iteration of government UFO investigation became public with the formation of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution office (AARO).

We’ll get to the secrets of the second shack in a bit. First, it’s important to recognize that once the UFO investigation became a public affair, it resumed the modus operandi of Project Blue Book, which did its best to minimize and obfuscate the truth about UFOs in the public sphere. AARO’s recent report shows they’re doing it again. AARO also makes classified reports to congress, showing that, like Blue Book, it also has a secret component to its UFO investigation.

The Big Secret of the second shack came courtesy of Col. Karl Nell, who spoke at a recent SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) conference in New York City in May. Nell, who spent the first several minutes of his appearance recounting his extensive career within the bowels of the military-industrial complex, culminating with his post on the UAP Task Force, immediately faced the Big Question from host Alex Klokus:

Klokus: So, Karl, here’s the million-dollar question: Do you believe that a higher form of non-human intelligence has visited this planet?

Col. Nell: So, non-human intelligence exists. Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and it’s been ongoing. And there are unelected people in the government that are aware of that.

Klokus: And so Karl, that is quite a bold statement. I’m wondering and I’m curious how confident are you that that is true?

Col.Nell: There’s zero doubt.

That was just the beginning of what Col. Nell had to say- there was a lot more.

Stay tuned…