I’ll just say this, there’s nothing quite like launching your Magnum Opus – a project you’ve been working on for more than 20 years – in the middle of a global pandemic. Talk about sucking all the oxygen out of the room. It’s a coronavirus news cycle 24/7 for the foreseeable future. No time for anything else. It reminds me of the Disclosure Project press conference – 9/11 events a little bit. After the May 9th press conference back in 2001, there were a few months of very telling silence. The mainstream was struggling to respond. Could they just ignore the whole thing

The feeling that they couldn’t was palpable in the UFO community. Silence was tacit acknowledgement. Then came 9/11 and everything changed. The war on terror and the hunt for Osama bin Laden was on, sucking all the oxygen out of the room. No more need to worry about that pesky Disclosure story.


Well, here we are again. As Twain said, history doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme. Whatever momentum gained by the latest Disclosure effort, which I wrote about in my first blog post Disclosure Goes Mainstream, has been lost to the coronavirus. It’s all coronavirus all the time. After the twin-tower shenanigans back in 2001, the military-industrial complex found a way to kill two birds with one stone, launching its endless war on terror thus drowning out the Disclosure Project witnesses. This time around, things may rhyme a little, but it’s a totally different tune. It’s the military-industrial complex that has had its Disclosure agenda thwarted by an attacking invader- and no I don’t think the Covid-19 virus is a false flag attack and I don’t think it leaked from a Chinese lab either by accident or on purpose, but I think there’s good reason to doubt it came from a Chinese market, because on Nov. 25th, 2019, three weeks before the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe predicted that new viral strains would emerge in the aftermath of a meteor that exploded over northern China in October and we should be prepared for the emergence of a virus like the Spanish flu of a hundred years ago.


Wickramasinghe’s prediction is a product of the theory H-W (Hoyle-Wickramasinghe) Panspermia that he and the late Sir Fred Hoyle have been researching and publishing for more than 30 years. H-W Panspermia posits that microbes, including viruses and bacteria, spread throughout the Galaxy on comets and meteors, raining down on Earth perpetually, affecting the course of evolution.


Usually, when such an explicit a priori prediction comes to pass it’s an event of great significance to scientists around the world, especially given Wickramasinghe’s status as a world-class scientist, but not so with the coronavirus. In fact, the scientific community mostly ignored the news when it didn’t bristle at it. On March 16, 2020, science writer Chelsea Gohd assured Space.com readers that: No, the Coronavirus didn’t come from space. In what was an obvious hit piece, Gohd didn’t mention that Wickramasinghe had correctly predicted the pandemic, only that he’d spread false rumors that the virus came from space, which everybody knew was impossible.


If you rely solely on the talking heads on any of the mainstream news channels you’ll never hear anything about Wickramasinghe or his prediction. Serious people – they say – know that the virus came from a bat in a Chinese meat market. What serious people should know is that is a belief that has not been scientifically proven. In fact, a substantial number of the original outbreak in Wuhan can’t be traced to the meat market. Viral Panspermia could actually be the source of the virus and it could continue to rain down on us for a year or two. I wrote about Panspermia in my book and how Wickramasinghe alluded to the Brookings Institute report when explaining why NASA wouldn’t confirm its Viking mission had found microbial life on Mars back in 1977. When Covid-19 became a Big Thing here in the United States, one of the first things that occurred to me was to google Wickramasinghe and coronavirus. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t know anything about his spot-on prediction or the journal papers he has published on Covid-19 or the space.com hit piece, etc.


The condescending, authoritarian tone of Gohd’s space.com hit piece is all too familiar to the UFO community. She asserts without equivocation that Panspermia is impossible because microbes can’t survive in space therefore Wickramasinghe’s work is “pseudoscience” or “bad science.” Again, an all-too-familiar argument for the UFO peeps: It Can’t Be; Therefore It Isn’t. It’s the flawed assumption at the heart of all failed denialist arguments. Heavier than air flight is impossible wrote the Gohds of yesteryear because Lord Kelvin said so. Scientific American debunked the Wright Brothers for seven years after the first flight at Kitty Hawk because It Can’t Be; Therefore it isn’t.


Gohd’s version of It Can’t Be; Therefore It Isn’t stars astrobiologist Graham Lau, who hosts some obscure science show for NASA. Not exactly Lord Kelvin but I guess you take who you can get. It was Lau who provided Gohd with the pseudoscience smear. He told Gohd that microbes couldn’t survive in space, that Wickramasinghe didn’t have the data to support his claims because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In other words, no matter what data Wichramasinghe has, nothing short of launching a space probe to capture some microbes after the explosion of a meteor will do. The “extraordinary claims” BS is very familiar to UFO community where nothing less than a piece of a spaceship or a dead alien body will constitute proof. Smoking gun evidence that those things exist under lock and key doesn’t count. It’s your basic catch-22, constructed by the masters of denial. This “extraordinary claims” BS is just moving the goalposts. Who decides what claims are extraordinary anyway? More on that later. After rubbishing Wickramasinghe, Lau admitted it was theoretically possible for microbes to survive the space trip, but there was nothing unfamiliar about the virus that would suggest an extraterrestrial origin.


Given Lau’s apparent unfamiliarity with Panspermia, I sincerely doubt that he read any of the papers Wickramasinghe and his colleagues published on coronavirus in Virology: Current Research journal. It’s like scientists with UFOs all over again. They’ll laugh it off as nonsense, but never actually look at the evidence- like it’s beneath them. I doubt either Gohd or Lau has read anything Wickramasinghe has ever published about Panspermia, including the book cited in the article, Diseases from Space co-written with Hoyle back in the 70s.


It’s not about “bad science” no matter what Gohd and Lau say. It’s about politics- the politics of paradigm shift. Gohd and Lau are engaging in paradigm protectionism, like the priests who wouldn’t look through Galileo’s telescope. The paradigm they are protecting is called “abiogenesis.” This is the scientific belief that life arose spontaneously from non-living matter when the conditions were just right in the so-called primordial soup more than 4 billion years ago. It’s an old idea clearly rooted in geocentric thinking. Thomas Huxley originated the term back in the late 1800s. It’s perhaps the last vestige of the Ptolemaic paradigm, when the Earth was believed to be the lone garden spot at the center of the Universe. Today, we know that Earth is just a planet out in the middle of nowhere, one galaxy among zillions. There’s nothing special about it cosmically speaking. The assumption that life must’ve arisen here is just mental residue left over from the days when we thought Earth was the whole point of the Universe.


No, Space.com, life did not have to originate on Earth. In fact, according to Wickramasinghe and a small community of scientists, it didn’t. In 2018, Wickramasinghe and his team, which includes prominent immunologist Edward Steele and 31 other authors from a broad range of academia, published a paper in the peer-reviewed journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology called “Cause of the Cambrian explosion- Terrestrial or Cosmic?” The paper makes the case for Panspermia, crushing abiogenesis in the process.


The establishment reacted just like it did after the Disclosure Project press conference. The silence was deafening- and damning. No one questioned the data. The few who have commented publicly admit the data is very compelling. The problem is the conclusions and the implications, which – they say – is less plausible than abiogenesis. But is it really? I think abiogenesis is a rather extraordinary claim. Maybe the most extraordinary claim of all. Okay, so life came into being from non-life in a terribly short period of time, somehow, no one knows how? Wow. That’s a pretty beefy claim, so where’s the beef? Where is the extraordinary evidence? Is there any evidence at all?


According to Wickramasinghe, no. “The first point to make is that the standard view that life originates spontaneously on Earth in a primordial soup or in deep sea thermal vents has no evidence whatsoever to support it. Every experiment that has been done to demonstrate this possibility has been a dismal failure over more than 50 years. The molecular complexity of life – the information content of life – is of an exceedingly specific kind and is superastronomical in quantity, and so the origin of life could not have happened on Earth.”


Wickramasinghe credits “vast swathes” of new data that are consistent with H-W Panspermia to such a degree that it’s given he, Steele and their colleagues the confidence to make such definitive statements. One study found that the atmosphere was depositing billions of viruses per day for every square meter on Earth. That’s a lot of viruses, which the latest research connects with evolution. Another example is bacteria and microbes found on the outside of the International Space Station. No one can explain how the micro-schmutz got there if it didn’t come from space. What’s more, there’s a proverbial “smoking gun.” Spectral analysis of space dust revealed the signature of freeze-dried E-coli bacteria. This is what made a believer out of Steele, who summed it up when he said, “you cannot get better than that in science.”


What it all adds up to is a cosmic biosphere where all life is related because we’re all sharing the same cosmic material. So no, Graham Lau, there’s nothing alien about the coronavirus. People who understand Panspermia wouldn’t expect there to be. Wickramasinghe, Steele and company has concluded, “the entire galaxy (and perhaps a local group of galaxies) constitutes a single connected biosphere”. All life, both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, is related, according to this view, as all life comes from the greater biosphere in which genetic material in the “cosmic gene pool” is readily shared. There is an underlying biochemical unity of all life, differing only in which isotopes of essential elements life from different parts of the universe might use.”


The assumption that if extraterrestrial life exists it will be completely alien is what I call the Third Big Assumption, which I wrote about in a previous post. Establishment gatekeepers Gohd and Lau assume if coronavirus were extraterrestrial it would be truly alien. It’s beyond funny (embarrassing I would think for Lau) to invoke the “extraordinary claims” BS in defense of a Dead-Theory-Walking like abiogenesis, a quite extraordinary claim without a shred of evidence. Also, I think Steele could fill Lau in on the extraordinary evidence for Panspermia. Thanks to flawed assumptions and ignorance, the GohdLau’s of the world have things exactly backwards. “The choice between life originating on Earth against manifestly insuperable odds,” Wickramasinghe said, “and an origin in the connected volume of a large part of the almost infinite universe is a simple binary choice. We chose the most probable.”


But wait, Space.com says viruses don’t come from space, because… Lord Lau! Hmmmnn. Seems like the scientific community has come down with a really bad case of Galileo-itus thanks to the coronavirus. If Panspermia is a bridge too far for an astrobiologist like Lau, then what will the Lords of Science think of The Day After the Singularity? If the Octopus is any indication heads might explode. Wickramasinghe and his co-authors say the Octopus may be extraterrestrial, because its complex nervous system, sophisticated eyes and camouflage capability appear suddenly in the fossil record and the genes can’t be found in its ancestry. In other words, it may have been seeded here. “One plausible explanation, in our view, is that the new genes are likely new extraterrestrial imports to Earth – most plausibly as an already coherent group of functioning genes within (say) cryopreserved and matrix protected fertilised octopus eggs,” wrote Wickramasinghe and his team.


Alien Octopuses would be ironic given all the tentacled aliens in Hollywood movies, but leading virologist Karin Moelling of the Max Planck Institute Molecular Genetics wasn’t having it, praising the paper as “useful,” but insisting that its premise that viruses, microbes and possibly even Octopuses have extraterrestrial origins “cannot be taken seriously.” And here we go again with the old It-Can’t-Be; Therefore-it-isn’t routine. Well, I have news for Karin Moelling: It Can Be because the Galaxy is occupied by a post-Singularity civilization. If anyone has any doubts I refer them to the Smoking Gun evidence that is the astronomical chart showing the nonrandom location of pulsars clustered around the Galaxy’s one radian point in relation to Earth. These are stars (burnt out stellar cores, actually) that have been moved into position. This is the kind of astroengineering that should be evident if extraterrestrials had already been through the technical Singularity, according to Ray Kurzweil. I mean, maybe you can convince yourself that all that pesky UFO evidence and all those Disclosure Project witnesses don’t mean anything, but not in the context of that star chart.


So, yes, Space.com, the coronavirus could’ve come from space. And yes, Lord Karin Moelling, Octopus eggs could’ve been seeded here because a post-Singularity civilization will spread throughout the Galaxy at light speed or greater. Just maybe those “cryopreserved and matrix protected fertilised octopus eggs” arrived in the glove compartment of a spacecraft? It’s possible in a world that has been seeded and colonized by a post-Singularity civilization, no?


In my opinion, the real question is not whether coronavirus could be extraterrestrial; it’s whether or not it’s an accident. The UFO community has been warned about impending environmental collapse and the unsustainability of our civilization through close encounter contact, yet those warnings have gone unheeded. Maybe this is an attempt to force us onto the right path. Since the coronavirus hit, disrupting our world, the fossil fuel industry has taken a huge hit with demand cratering so dramatically that oil prices recently crashed to zero. The fossil fuel intensive beef industry that is already stressed by increasingly popular meat substitutes like BEYOND Meat has also taken a big hit with coronavirus outbreaks forcing the closure of meat processing plants. The virus has made a significant portion of the workforce have to work from home, opening up a tremendous opportunity to transition to a more sustainable paradigm. It makes me wonder if that bolide over China last October was the ET astroengineering equivalent of a giant hypodermic needle injecting some much needed medicine for mother Earth to reduce the fever that humans have given her. I don’t know, but it makes me think…


Yes, I know this is all very hard for the pre-Singularity mind to grasp, but there it is.