Last month, I wrote about Col. Karl Nell’s talk at the SALT conference in May about the stone-cold reality of non-human intelligence (NHI). (the clinical terminology for: We’re Not Alone in the Universe) According to Nell, there’s no ifs ands or buts. It is what it is and that’s what it is.

Nell is an impressive person. From his resume to his demeanor, he seems a force to be reckoned with. He began an Army career that led him to obtain a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s in Strategic Studies. He commanded a satellite ground station while at Space Command and spent time at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. 

Nell then left the service for the private sector, spreading his wings at Bell Labs, Lockheed Martin, and Northrup Grumman on his way to his most recent and relevant post, as he explained, at the Pentagon’s latest secret UFO investigation known as the UAP Task Force. And those are just the highlights.

In short, Nell was in all the right places within the military-industrial complex to have a “need-to-know” about the UFO/UAP phenomenon. From Wright-Patt (where the Roswell wreckage was originally shipped, according to Corso) to Lockheed Martin (where the Stealth Bomber was developed) to Bell Labs (a recipient of Roswell technology, also according to Corso) to Space Command and the UAP Task Force. If anyone would be in a position to know it would be someone like Col. Nell.

When asked what evidence he’d seen in support of his ‘bold statement’ that there’s ‘zero doubt’ about the existence of NHI, Nell deftly reframed the question (undoubtedly because whatever evidence he’d seen remains highly classified), explaining that there were two main pathways the audience could take to come to understand the true nature of the phenomenon, which were what he called ‘first principles,’ and ‘the data,’ which were already in the public domain, somewhat like nuclear technology, which can be found on the internet.

The data Nell referred to were anecdotal. He cited the public statements of military-industrial complex insiders like former Canadian chief of defense Paul Hellyer (who personally vetted Col Phillip J. Corso’s 1997 NYT bestselling book, The Day After Roswell), Haim Eshed, former head of Isreali Space Force, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Chris Mellon, Lue Elizondo (the point-man for the late Harry Reid’s ATTIP), and whistleblower David Grusch, who recently testified before congress about the MIC’s secret UFO crash retrieval program and the recovery of ‘extraterrestrial biologics.’ Nell noted that Grusch was cleared for presidential-level intelligence.

As for the other mode of understanding, I can’t say for sure what the term ‘first principles’ means, but what Nell articulated was what I wrote about in my book about the statistical certainty that extraterrestrial intelligence will have evolved and spread among the stars long before life on Earth even took hold. This idea was first advanced by Manhattan Project physicist Enrico Fermi and later formalized as the basis for SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) by astronomer Frank Drake.

In my book, I used the Hubble Deep Field Images (thousands of galaxies in a photo the width of a dime held at 75 feet) to make the obvious point and Nell indeed cited the number of galaxies, stars and planets as proof of concept.

It’s almost as if Col. Nell read my book. He could’ve just held up a copy and said read this…

Nell’s talk was so rich in further Disclosures that are yet to come that I’ll need to write another post about everything he had to say. Hopefully I’ll do that soon. Stay tuned…