“I wonder what John Horgan thinks about UFO Disclosure now unfolding in the mainstream media?” The thought occurred to me, seemingly out of nowhere, much like when I suddenly realized I needed to know what Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe had to say about the coronavirus


The “Horganism,” as he’s known in certain circles, is one of my favorite science writers. His book, The End of Science, is one of my all-time favorite reads. I check his blog at Scientific American every now and again to see what he’s up to. I knew he’d have something to say about UFOs and I knew he’d take the subject seriously. He’s as fearless as it gets for a mainstream science journalist.


The Horganism didn’t disappoint. I found an interview with journalist Leslie Kean from May 2020. No one has done more to contribute to mainstream UFO Disclosure in the past 20 years than Leslie Kean. In the late 90s, she broke the previously unbreakable bias against serious UFO coverage with a story in the Boston Globe about the French UFO study COMETA that concluded UFOs might be a threat to global security.


In 2011, she published The New York Times bestselling book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record, and she was one of three journalists along with Helene Cooper and Ralph Blumenthal who broke the story in The New York Times in December 2017 that the military was admitting UFOs were real.


Throughout her reporting, Kean has remained agnostic about the phenomenon, which is likely a key to her success in gaining mainstream acceptance. In the interview, Horgan pressed her about her beliefs, implying that she favored the extraterrestrial hypothesis, but she didn’t take the bait. Kean will only say that she knows the objects are real, but not what they are, which is consistent with the current official position of the U.S. Government.


Right now, the mainstream media is in the same place that Air Force Project Sign investigators were in back in 1947-8. They were cleared to know that UFOs were real, but not what they were. Their job was to gather intelligence and mollify the public, but they overstepped their bounds and produced an intelligence report entitled, Estimate of the Situation, which concluded that UFOs could not have been made by any nation on Earth; therefore they must be extraterrestrial.


As I said, they overstepped their bounds. They were only tasked with gathering intelligence, not assessing it. They screwed up. Everyone involved got reassigned and the Air Force dissolved the group and created a new UFO investigation that understood its mandate, which became Project Grudge and eventually Project Blue Book.


So, thanks to Kean in large part, we’re having that secret debate from the 1940s here in public in 2021. Ironically, it actually could be the Russians or the Chinese at this point, perhaps having reverse-engineered their own Roswell-type antigravity craft. The U.S. Navy actually cited this possibility as a means to override the objections of the U.S. Patents and Trademark Office to physics it doesn’t understand or think is possible for its Hybrid Aerospace-Underwater Craft currently under development.


At that point in time of the Horgan interview, the Navy’s UFO technology hadn’t yet come to light. Navy UFOs raises another aspect of the 1940s debate: the possibility that UFOs are secret U.S. technology. They couldn’t have been back then, but they could be now. In fact, according to Disclosure Project witness Mark McCandlish, the U.S. may have had antigravity craft since the mid 1950s.


Kean is aware of UFO history, but ignores Hynek’s “mountain of evidence” when Horgan asks her what’s the best evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial, Kean cites the performance of the craft, describing what Lue Elizondo and his team call the five observables: antigravity lift, hypersonic speeds, instantaneous acceleration, cloaking, and trans-medium travel, all without any visible means of propulsion.


Kean noted the craft have been documented going back 60 years before anyone on Earth had anything like it, referring to the COMETA report issued by a French group comprised of retired generals and space agency scientists in the late 90s. COMETA reached the same conclusion, using the same reasoning as 1940s Estimate of the Situation. After you eliminate all the terrestrial possibilities, what else is there? As Kean said to Horgan, wrapping up, “So, what are we left with?” The answer is of course: The extraterrestrial hypothesis.


For some, the ETH is unthinkable even though it’s pretty obvious to most everyone that there’s life elsewhere in the Universe. Astrophysicist Katie Mack is one of those people. Horgan asked Kean for her response to Mack, who, according to Horgan, “says she doesn’t take alien spaceships seriously enough to debunk them.”


Some might think that statements like this piss me off, but that’s not the case. I think it’s kind of funny, actually. This kind of opinion is what I call a fashion statement. There’s really no substance to it. A fashion statement belief is something you wear proudly that you think makes you look cool in your social circle that reflects the proper attitudes and beliefs, which of course are the hippest and the best. Something that identifies you as part of the in-crowd. Like bikers with their leather and their Harley-Davidson gear in Sturgis. Like punk rockers with their green mohawks at a Clash concert back in the day. Those guys thought they looked bad-ass. And they did to their peers. Not so much to just about everyone else.


Mack’s UFO/UAP beliefs are a popular fashion statement within the mainstream science community. So much so, that the French COMETA report that jumpstarted Kean’s interest in the subject, identified bias against the extraterrestrial hypothesis in the scientific community as a big problem from a national security perspective.


The stated mission of the French study to “strip the UFO phenomenon of its irrational layer” was entirely based upon overcoming this bias. It hasn’t yet worked on people like Katie Mack or others like Harvard-Smithsonian astrophysicist Leon Golub, who said UFOs documented by the Navy were likely to be anything else but extraterrestrial craft. The prevailing mainstream belief goes like this: Okay, they certainly exist somewhere out there, but they can’t be here. Katie Mack thinks it’s too big a leap from aliens out there to aliens operating in our atmosphere.


It’s a big leap, alright – for mankind – but just one small step for a post-Singularity civilization, which will spread throughout the Cosmos at the speed of light or greater, according to Ray Kurzweil.


When AI surpasses human (or extraterrestrial) intelligence, becoming the driving force in civilization, the rate of technological progress explodes. It’s actually not that big a leap from where we are right now to the complete mastery of nature after the Singularity, allowing us to engineer reality, as Kurzweil says and the Navy patents claim.


So, if we’re almost there here on Earth, shouldn’t we expect that someone else out there has already been there, done that, spreading throughout the Cosmos like we expect we’ll do? Over half a century ago, Carl Sagan said there should be over a million technological civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy and because we’re basically a fledgling civilization, every one of them was likely more advanced than we are.


If the first civilization in the Galaxy to successfully navigate the technological Singularity has spread throughout the Cosmos seeding life, then it’d be perfectly reasonable to find them operating in our atmosphere. In fact you’d expect it somewhat like Enrico Fermi did all the way back in 1950 when he said to his Los Alamos colleagues that if ETs existed, they’d be here. “Where are they?” His famous question allegedly gave birth to a paradox.


The Katie Macks and Leon Golubs of the world don’t know that it’s not just hypothetical anymore. There’s astronomical evidence that the Milky Way Galaxy is occupied by a post-Singularity civilization In fact, there is the exact type of evidence that Ray Kurzweil said should exist if extraterrestrials had been through the Singularity.


Kurzweil told Michio Kaku that there should be an “unnatural grouping of stars” somewhere in the heavens if extraterrestrials had already been through the Singularity, meaning they should be able to move stars around the Galaxy, engineering on an astronomical scale.


Turns out just such a group of stars exists. The pulsar beacon network discovered by Paul LaViolette fulfills Kurzweil’s prediction. These massive neutron stars are distributed non-randomly throughout the Galaxy, clustering around astronomically significant locations. Moving neutron stars around for use as an intergalactic radio network is just the type of astro-engineering scientists like Kurzweil, Sagan, etc., expect a super advanced, space-faring (post-Singularity) civilization would be able to do.


Astro-engineering is also evident in the Sun-Earth-Moon system that results in the Total Solar Eclipse. Putting two and two together, it seems life on planet Earth has been engineered by a civilization that has been spreading throughout the Cosmos ever since it hit the Singularity long ago.


So, when I first read about Katie Mack’s fashion statement that UFOs aren’t even worth debunking, I rolled my eyes. Here we go again… Blah, blah, blah- it can’t be; therefore, it isn’t, so the failed argument goes. But after you think about it for a while, it really is kind of funny.


I mean, it’s a statistical certainty there’s life elsewhere in the Universe. The Hubble Deep Field images are the pictures worth a thousand words. That’s why the Katie Macks of the world will concede that there’s ETs out there somewhere, but that’s as far as they’re willing to take the calculation.


If you push the thought experiment a little further, it’s not too big a leap to realize we’re not going to have been the first planet to develop life given the age of the Sun relative the rest of the Cosmos. It’s also not too big a leap that we’re not the first to develop civilization, or to develop computing, or hit the Singularity.


It’s really not too big a leap from the Hubble Deep Field images to ET craft operating in our atmosphere.


Michio Kaku’s almost there. He’s willing to take the calculation a little further. On a recent episode of Ancient Aliens, Kaku said it’s inevitable we’ll meet other civilizations “in space.”


In space? Out there somewhere I guess. Anywhere but here on Earth. I think Kaku probably knows, or at least suspects, but is taking the thought experiment only as far as he dares- for now.


So where is Kaku on UFOs you might wonder? Well, there’s before the Pentagon UFO videos and after.


The Before Michio styled himself as agnostic. Like most mainstream scientists, he never got specific, never actually confronted the data on any singular UFO incident. What he would say was, to paraphrase, that even if almost all UFO sightings were mistakes, one real case of extraterrestrial visitation would be a game changer. For a scientists of Kaku’s stature, that is about as provocative as it gets.


The After Michio shows signs that he knows the jig is up. At a recent major international UFO conference in Barcelona, Spain, Kaku not only made an unexpected appearance, he spoke to an audience about UFO reality in Fermi’s paradox terms.


While Kaku stuck to the establishment line that UFOs could be Russian or Chinese – and they could be at this point in history – he noted that the Universe is around 13.8 billion years old (Big Bang theory) and that we’ve only been a scientific civilization for about 300 hundred years, so you do the math…


…And when you do, when you take the calculation all the way to the end you wind up in an occupied Galaxy with UFOs operating in your atmosphere.


Corroboration can be found in the “mountain of evidence” that is the UFO data. Anyone who takes a deep dive into it is confronted with the inescapable conclusion that the calculations are correct. We have an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.


Not many people in the scientific community want to take that deep dive and it’s not just those that think the subject is beneath them. There’s something else at play- fear.


In the very first book about UFOs (The Flying Saucers Are Real) by the first civilian UFO investigator, the retried naval aviator, Major Donald Keyhoe, there’s an anecdote about how UFO denialists within the military treated UFO reports like a Haunted House. An officer told Keyhoe, they’ll swear there’s nothing to it, but they won’t go near it, meaning they won’t look at the reports, the data or the analysis.


I think we’ve been seeing that dynamic in the scientific community ever since the Navy released its UFO videos and the Pentagon admitted they were real. Suddenly, scientists have been forced to confront a reality they have been ducking for almost a century and a lot of them don’t appear up to the task, just like the infamous 1960s Brookings report predicted.


What’s up with the Harvard-Smithsonian guy Leon Golub and his brain dead statement that it’s likely to be anything else but ET? Uh, no it’s not. That’s why we’re having this conversation. It’s not birds, or meteors, or Venus or the stealth bomber. It’s technology that appears generations beyond anything anyone on Earth is familiar with.


If every other ET civilization was like ours then what Golub said would be reasonable, but it doesn’t take much imagination (see Kurzweil) to realize that, as Sagan said, every other ET civilization is likely to be generations more advanced than us.


Then there’s his bit about how the UFOs on the Navy’s videos might just be digital artifacts on radar. Uh, no they’re not. The Navy ruled that out and it doesn’t account for the UFOs the pilots saw out the cockpit window. Of course, the reporter let that Ivy League derp go and failed to ask the obvious but-how-can-that-be follow-up question.


Seeing those videos for a guy like Golub must be like seeing a ghost. It must be like sitting alone in the basement in the Amityville horror house when the walls start to bleed. Guys like him have been laughing this off for going on a century and now they have it staring them in the face.


I have to think that Harvard guy wouldn’t comment if he hadn’t been informed about the Navy UFO videos story. So when he offers up a possible explanation that the report has already ruled out, I have to think he doesn’t know what the F’ to say. He should’ve said something like, “wow that’s intriguing,” or, “we don’t know what those are, so that’s a possibility.” But no, he trots out the it’s-more-likely-to-be-anything-other-than-ET argument. Really? You mean it’s more likely to be digital artifacts and other illusions than ET even though we know they’re not digital artifacts or other such illusions? That’s absurd.


Such Ivy League derp is likely a symptom of Brookings Institute report syndrome. Back in the 60s, Brookings warned NASA that scientists and clergymen were the people most likely to freak out if we discovered ET life. The thinking was that such a discovery threatened long held belief systems.


Scientists might find that some of their most cherished theories are flawed. Or gasp! Wrong. Given that ET craft display a much more advanced understanding of physics than ours; that seems likely.


When someone’s core beliefs take such a hit it can be difficult, if not impossible, to process. So for people like Mack and Golub it’s still more likely that UFO/UAP are digital artifacts than ETs even though we know it’s not digital artifacts.


That is the ghost in the machine that mainstream science just can’t yet process.


If anyone can lead the way, it’s the Horganism. Happy Halloween!