This is an actual (NASA) image of the recent April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse that bisected the United States, that I have embellished with background stars, photoshopped in to match eyewitness descriptions from the field of totality- I couldn’t find an actual shot with stars, but you get the picture. (Pun intended. SSL)

The recent Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024, is The Sign Of The Times, but the mainstream media/establishment failed to see it for what it really is – yet again – which is not a surprise.

Continue reading “TSE: The Sign of the Times”

Next week, Dr. Steven Greer heads back to Washington D.C. to hold Disclosure Project 2.0 at the National Press Club on June 12th. It will be fascinating to see how the mainstream media covers the event.

Continue reading “Mainstream Media and Disclosure Project 2.0”

“I wonder what John Horgan thinks about UFO Disclosure now unfolding in the mainstream media?” The thought occurred to me, seemingly out of nowhere, much like when I suddenly realized I needed to know what Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe had to say about the coronavirus Continue reading “UFOs and Haunted Houses”

Well, now we have crisis on top of crisis. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, we now have civil unrest thanks to a series of senseless murders committed by police. It’s pathetic that nine years out from the Singularity we’re still so primitive that we need a movement to say that Black Lives Matter. It’s also a very ominous sign.

The Singularity: Once a civilization develops computing it’s on the fast track to a transcendent evolutionary event that has become known as the technological Singularity. Computing power doubles roughly every two years, speeding us faster and faster towards a singular point in time when artificial intelligence exceeds human intelligence. Futurists like Ray Kurzweil, Director of Engineering at Google, say that no one knows what this new civilization will be like, hence the name, borrowed from the point inside a black hole where matter disappears from the Universe. No one knows what happens to it after that. Similarly, futurists believe no one knows what civilization will be like after the Singularity, but they’re wrong.