Weird New Year

Well, here we are facing the new-year 2025 and, to be perfectly honest, I’m really not in the mood. 

I feel like Han Solo in Star Wars as the Death Star’s tractor beam pulls the Millennium Falcon into the clutches of the Intergalactic Deep State- I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

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Trump as a Fake Gray Alien President getting zapped by ETs

In an election – which was at its very foundation – a choice between Unreality versus Reality, we have apparently chosen- Unreality.

It’s not as black and white as that, but that’s pretty much what it boils down to…
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The Election & UFOs

So- why Harris and Trump as grey aliens in a mock-up of the famous 1930 painting of an Iowan farmhouse scene called American Gothic? Well, as George Lucas says, sometimes an artist does things out of whimsy. 

Given the gravity of this election, whimsy seemed an appropriate counterpoint here. And it’s Halloween.

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UFOs are Real. The Government admitted that back in 2017, but with the caveat that the weird craft might be Chinese or Russian. Not so much these days. In early November, outgoing AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) Director Sean Kirkpatrick all but admitted that real UFOs are extraterrestrial. 

Continue reading “The Empire Strikes Back?”

Next week, Dr. Steven Greer heads back to Washington D.C. to hold Disclosure Project 2.0 at the National Press Club on June 12th. It will be fascinating to see how the mainstream media covers the event.

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