Valentine’s Day in the Afterlife

For me, Valentine’s Day has come to be a unique day in my life that has nothing to do with romance or anything like that (Given its bloody historical roots, that’s probably a good thing).

It’s a day that I commemorate with my late friend’s wife. It’s a day that I became a conduit for afterlife communication.

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I live in SoCal. During the recent wildfires that torched large parts of Los Angeles, I was in an evacuation-warning zone prepared to run for my life if the order came down. Thankfully, this time it didn’t. It has before. This was the third time since 2008 that my family has had such an experience.

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Weird New Year

Well, here we are facing the new-year 2025 and, to be perfectly honest, I’m really not in the mood. 

I feel like Han Solo in Star Wars as the Death Star’s tractor beam pulls the Millennium Falcon into the clutches of the Intergalactic Deep State- I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

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Personal Disclosure


Personal Disclosure

I’m often asked (well, not too often, but it has happened), “Why don’t you have more reviews on Amazon?” “Why aren’t you more well-known?” In general, the premise is that, given my limited, but somewhat substantial critical acclaim, why isn’t The Day After the Singularity: UFOs & the Great Technological Quantum Leap more well-known?

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